I met up with some friends of a friend a while ago for dinner. We went to an Indian restaurant that seems to be a popular place for birthday/other celebrations -- I would guess because of a buffet + all-you-can-drink-beer special that draws college students, but the Dancing Man can't hurt.

Frankly, I was less entertained by the food than the entertainment -- about once every (half-hour? hour?) Indian pop music starts blaring from speakers, shutting down conversation, and this guy (in yellow & green, right) gets on his mini-stage and starts dancing and generally having a blast (this was a more sedate moment; usually there's a lot more jumping and shimmying). Customers are encouraged to join in (or in some cases, efforts are made to drag guests of honor, etc., onstage). After about five minutes, it's back to regular dining.
I learned a number of "Indian" dances while watching, including one that looked suspiciously like the Running Man. It also occurred to me that I would probably be willing to take some kind of pay cut in exchange for a job where part of the description was dancing like this (note: pole dancing does not qualify, thanks) multiple times a day.