It turns out there are some additions to the last post. Something I didn't realize I missed: squirrels. They're funny.
Something I won't miss at all: The Great Firewall. However, I am without home internet at the moment, so you may encounter a slight delay in the blog's irregular programming. Sorry!
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Guess what, folks, it's time for me to head home. It's been a great adventure, but at some point I was going to have to rejoin the world of the gainfully-employed, and that time is... well, as yet indeterminate, but rapidly approaching. I still have a few things to write about, so it's not the death knell for the blog just yet, but in the interests of transparency, future entries will not in fact be Made in China. Mmmm, fresh veggies. ![]() The wet market is so named because, well, it's wet. The floors are usually getting hosed down, or fish are sloshing water out of their pans, etc. Let's just say it's not somewhere you would want to wear your good clothes. A dry market, by contrast, er... well, I suppose a supermarket would count. Or it might be somewhere that sells grains and spices, but "dry market" isn't really commonly used. It's all about the wet market. And now, for something completely different... ![]() Yes, there are more. These ones are my faaaavorite. ![]() When I said "these" are my favorite, I meant the ones in the picture, from this vendor. He stands in an open stall, facing the sidewalk, so that the dumplings (and their aroma) are smack next to you. Best. Advertisement. Ever. ![]() I know this is a little late, seeing as the Olympics have been over for more than a week, but in my defense, this was from the final day. This isn't a toilet blog, really. But sometimes I just have to share, and this is one of those times. ![]() The first scary-cool thing is that when you walk into the stall, the cover lifts up by itself. That's just weird and freaky, and made me want to look around to see if someone was watching with a remote control. But it's also a little geeky-cool. And good for the ultra-germ-aphobe, I suppose. |
Huh?No, I haven't seen the movie, and yes, I chose the name anyway. I'm told an Asian woman with green eyes is a plot point. Archives
July 2011