For those of you who've been, I dunno, not paying attention, I'm back in the States these days. But yesterday, I had a wee moment of nostalgia, where I scolded myself for having readjusted from China in one way too many: I wasn't carrying my camera.
Yesterday, it snowed. A decent amount, for this area, and things were messy. At the best of times, this city does not deal with snow particularly well, and yesterday drifted from the white powdery stuff through the heavier, wetter variety, before ending up as freezing drizzle. The end result of this was that trudging home was a bit harder, and evidently not just for me.
I passed a woman who was dragging an airline carry-on bag behind her, inside of which was.... her elementary-school-age child. All I could think was, "in China, that would have totally made the blog." AND I DIDN'T HAVE MY CAMERA.
But I decided to put it on the blog anyway, in honor. Or mourning. Something like that.
Huh?No, I haven't seen the movie, and yes, I chose the name anyway. I'm told an Asian woman with green eyes is a plot point. Archives
July 2011