I might be annoyed at the smugness of my new vaccuum cleaner, if only it weren't right. Shoe provided for size context.
Cute is big here -- it's not as extreme a phenomenon as it is in Japan (where, in my experience, everything can be made smaller, smoother, rounder, and more gadgety, and has), but it's big. Or rather, it's small. Now I'm confusing myself. Anyway, Hello Kitty is prevalent, to no one's surprise, I'm sure.

I wouldn't have taken a picture of this (right) but for the fact that it was stuck on this car: cuteness squared! Or overdosed, whichever.

And of course, we can't leave out the kitchen appliances. The pooch at the bottom is an ice-cream maker [ed. change, 24-2: Sorry about the bad formatting; I had to rearrange these two pictures to combat technical problems] . I don't know about you, but I don't really think I want ice cream that's been in a dog's mouth.