I'm starting to settle in here. It's the first time I've had a place all to myself (for more than just interim periods), but I can't say that that's been a big deal one way or the other. It's small but more than adequate for me (more space than I could reasonably afford in Manhattan, I daresay). I wouldn't mind more storage space, especially in the kitchen, but maybe it'll force me to be more efficient. I do have a monstrous flat-screen television, complete with roughly 70 channels of shows I don't understand (and one I do).

Here's the large-appliances portion of the kitchen. The fridge is on the right, the range on the left. Note: no oven! So much for making lasagna.
The fridge is smaller than the typical US one -- shorter than me! -- but since I'll be relying more on fresh goods, it shouldn't be a problem. The bottom section is the freezer. I'm pretty sure I'll never fill it.

I also have a laundry machine. It's a combination washer/dryer -- that's right, you don't even have to move the clothes from one to the other. I guess it goes without saying that I don't need quarters, either. And before you ask, I have no idea what's up with the multicultural mostly-naked kids hanging out on the right side. You can't tell from the picture, but up close, the blond one's eating an ice cream cone (soft-serve vanilla, it looks like). I guess that's what they think kids should do while they wait for their laundry to be done.