You might have heard that certain things get copied here in China. Like, say, CDs and DVDs. Those are certainly popular, and not just with the tourists. By way of example, you can get a pirated DVD on the street for 5RMB, or less than one US dollar. The same movie in the theater (where it'll probably still be playing when you buy the DVD) might cost 50RMB (~US$7). When you figure that an entry-level salary for a college graduate might be 3000-5000RMB a month (~US$5000-8500/yr) before taxes... well, you can see why the Chinese prefer their DVDs.

But it's not all about the DVD. Some goods are obviously knockoffs, like the pair of "Dr. Markens" shoes I tried on the other day. Others might actually have been made at the factory and just have "fallen" off the back of a truck. Some are actually legit and just tweaked for local audiences. Herewith, a few things you've probably seen before... sort of.

And my personal favorite...