Yes, it's the post you've all been waiting for. I went back to the restaurant with the jar of funny liquid, and came back with photos and at least half of an explanation.

OK, so it's not a very *good* photo -- you try taking a glass jar of amber liquid in bad fluorescent lighting with a stern Chinese woman staring at you. Still, you should get the idea. Any guesses on what's inside? Those of you who are avid readers may remember that I was torn between medicinal herbs or weird animal parts. In fact, it's both.
The little red things on the bottom are seeds that are supposed to be good for your eyesight. The white thing lying horizontally near the bottom (not the bright red & white spigot on the left) that looks like it has tentacles is ginseng. Behind that you should be able to make out a branch with, yes, a dead snake coiled around it. We didn't find out what all of the ingredients were, but elsewhere in there is, wait for it... deer penis. I can hear all of you salivating as you read this.
Anyway, it turns out this is a "men's drink" (ahem), so I passed on trying it out. Sorry, my blog dedication goes only so far. (But if any of the gentlemen reading find themselves in the neighborhood and want to provide a report, I'll be happy to point you in the right direction!)