I've left town again, this time to hang with family for a couple weeks in Singapore (there may be some short side trips involved, but if so, more on those after they happen). It's been almost five years since I was last here, which is probably the longest in my entire life that I've been away. It's nice to be back.
More on that later, too. Right now, before I crash from what has been a long day, I just want to mention two things about the day's travels. The first is that U.S. airlines are pathetic. Over the years I've accumulated a lot of frequent flyer miles, and as such have been able to upgrade my seats on one particular (domestic) airline's international flights. International business class rocks my socks (from what I witness of domestic business class, though, I wouldn't waste my miles on it).
However, since my preferred US airline doesn't fly a Shanghai-Singapore route, I ended up purchasing an economy seat on Singapore Airlines. I hadn't been on SIA for a long time (decades), and my last impression of them had been that the upper classes were great, but economy was no great shakes, and in fact, somewhat cattle-callish. If that was true then, it certainly isn't now. It was fantastic. I didn't check the measurements, but I'm pretty sure the seats I was in today are wider than the average US economy seat (even on a comparably-sized plane -- this one sat 9 across (3 sets of three), whereas most jumbos that I've been on seat 10). There's definitely more room between you and the seat in front of you (seat pitch?)... quite a bit more room, in fact. The seat actually reclines a noticeable amount (and without smacking the person behind you in the face). There are footrests. You get full meals at no charge. You also get your own TV screen with choice of roughly 100 movies (in several different languages), probably about the same number of TV programmes, video games (including brainteasers, board games that you can play with other passengers, etc.), and a number of other 'entertainment' features that I didn't peruse. Did I mention that you can pause, rewind and fast forward the movie at will? And that when they get on the PA system to make an announcement, you don't suddenly lose a bit of whatever was playing? I watched Juno and Michael Clayton, incidentally. That's right, these are not schlubby free movies like the ones on Virgin America (which was a fine airline when I took it this fall, but for as much as they touted their entertainment system, I expected to see at least one movie that I had heard of among the (non-premium) selection). On the way back, I'm thinking about watching There Will Be Blood. All I'm saying is: if airline competition is remotely Darwinian, no wonder all of our airlines go bankrupt.
Enough of the rant, though. I also wanted to share how much I love the Singapore airport (Changi). Because it's so important to the country's economy, it's always been pretty far up there as airports go; back in the '80s they put in a pool, gym, and sleeping rooms that you could rent for a couple hours at a time, for people on long layovers (aside: back in the 80s, there was also usually a minimum of 2-hr layover on international connections. I once spent 7 hours in the Prague airport. Starting at 6am. When Czechoslovakia was still communist. Probably the only time I ever had a good reason to be a bored teenager). Later on they started offering free city sightseeing buses to people in similar situations. Beats spending 4 hours in an airport, even if it is a really nice airport. I've never had cause to try out any of those things, but today, upon arrival, I noticed two things that made me smile: (1) the travellators wide enough to accommodate one large suitcase passing another, with a yellow line down the middle to remind standers to stand on their side, and walkers to walk on theirs (in my book this is a little piece of Type-A heaven), and (2) a duty-free store that sells only chocolate. All kinds of chocolate, all makers, all brands. From everywhere. Cheap! Guess who'll be saving room in her carry-on.
4/9/2008 09:53:15 am
Please think of me at your first Hawker Center! It's pathetic I know but I feel so wistful thinking about my first arrival at Changi, and a new culture.
4/9/2008 03:22:34 pm
Yes, US airlines suck. I flew from SJC to MSP last weekend on Northwest. It wasn't my worst flight experience, but it was far from enjoyable...
4/10/2008 01:48:18 pm
I haven't flown a US carrier in 11 years whenever I have had an option. And open-skies will not let me do the same everywhere.
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Huh?No, I haven't seen the movie, and yes, I chose the name anyway. I'm told an Asian woman with green eyes is a plot point. Archives
July 2011