Holy moley. My Terps just took down the number-one ranked team in the country. No, I mean the men's team, really! I don't understand them -- lose to American (American??) at home, beat (previously) undefeated North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Well, I'll take it.
I've been asked what I'm going to do about watching the NFL playoffs while I'm here. To be honest, I'm not all that invested, so I may ignore them (especially the Pats game, which will kick off at 4am my time). But I could watch if I wanted: this morning I happened to wake up ridiculously early, and I knew Maryland had a basketball game (trust me, the latter was not the reason for the former). Through the magic of Sling -- and thanks to some friends hosting back home -- I can feed my NCAA-hoops addiction.

Basically, a piece of hardware sits on my friends' network and cable hookup, while the software sits on my laptop. I turn on the software here, and it connects to their cable feed there. They retain control over what they watch, and I can change channels to my heart's content on my end. Provided I keep the screen size small or moderate, the feed works really well (it tends to get choppy at full-screen resolution). Nifty, eh?
Oh yeah, that's my real, rarely-used television in the background. The ESPN-equivalent here plays a lot of soccer and NBA games (China hearts basketball, especially the NBA), so I probably wouldn't even have to Sling the NBA playoffs... but then again, I don't watch them in the States, so why would I do it here?