Well, it's been a while since the Mr Chips fiasco, and I've decided that in the name of frivolous and possibly masochistic blogging, it's time to continue my search for a good packaged salty snack. This "vegetable snack" cracker seems to be both ubiquitous and cheap, so I've assembled the following flavors for sampling:

(clockwise from top left) Pizza, Cherry Tomato, Tomato, Hot Welsh Onion, Cumin, and Shrimp Salad.
And because the blog likes to promote interactivity, I'll also agree to try another flavor of your choosing -- selection list here (scroll down to photo). If more than one person writes in, I'll sample the flavor that gets the most votes. In the case of a tie, I will go with whatever sounds better when I'm standing in the store. You have until Friday to write in, so if I have a salt craving this weekend, there may be a writeup fairly soon. No promises, though!